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our founder,
jules porter

An artist's depiction of a woman astronaut with hair made from the cosmos.

Esq., MBA


Minneapolis, Minnesota
The proud home of Prince



Florida A&M University

Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University


University of St. Thomas School of Law and
Opus College of Business

Favorite games

God of War Series

Assassin's Creed Series

Fallout Series
(except for Fallout 76)

Civilization Series

BloodRayne Series


Anita Pointer

Dr. Mae Jemison

Amiri Baraka

Thurgood Marshall

Bessie Coleman

Mahalia Jackson

Madam C.J. Walker

Coretta Scott King

Maya Angelou

Paul Laurence Dunbar

Alice Walker

Nina Simone

Audre Lorde


Jules Answers Questions from Students
Seraph 7 Studios

Jules Answers Questions from Students

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Jules Answers Your Questions

How to you avoid becoming cynical?

The glass is half full and each day is a new beginning.  I am driven by optimism and I don't let the haters win.  I can't control how others treat me or how folks treat one another, but I can stay positive and provide opportunities for people to be better and do better.  However, when people fall below a certain standard of conduct they must be called out and held accountable. Sometimes life just throws insane curve-balls.  I don't give up, I just pay close attention to the trajectory and I keep swinging.  Eventually, I will hit one out of the park. Time keeps moving and ensures there is always a new dawn.  In short: I have to stay positive and I can't afford to become cynical.  There is too much work to do and it takes all of us to stay encouraged.  Cry when you need to, but keep moving forward.

When you were a kid, what did you want to be when you grew up?

I was a kid when Dr. Mae Jemison went to outer space, when Hon. Sharon Sayles Belton became Mayor of Minneapolis, and when Hon. Pamela Alexander became a judge in Hennepin County. This inspired me to want to be an astronaut, President of the US, and a judge.  

What inspires you to continue to progress in your endeavors?

Dr. King once encouraged us to Keep Moving Forward.  Gandhi inspired us to be the change we want to see in this world.  I have a vision for my life and the systemic change I want to enact to uplift folks everywhere.  Things that are worth doing aren't always easy and sometimes the oddest obstacles stand in the way.  But just like each of those heroes I listed at the top of this page, I have to keep moving forward.  Perseverance is in the blood.

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