granny Kehl
the Survivor

Powerful seer, magic user, and aura manipulator

NAME: Kehlci Fedelma
ALIASES: The Survivor, Kehl of Sorrows, Granny Kehl, Hex, The Seer, The Wicked Wood Witch
HOMETOWN: Armagh, Ireland
AGE: claims to by 79, believed to be in her 90s, born May 3
Powerful magic user, witch and seer; master of the auras that control creation and corruption; can change shape to that of an animal; can see ghosts and spirits; can see into the past and future by touching certain objects; the aura of the area around her changes with her mood; uses magic to extend life and project youth
Finds peace in isolation; enjoys privacy and being a woman of mystery; as a kid, pledged to become the greatest magic user the world will ever know
Liam Neeson, Colin Farrell, Jack Nicholson
Queen Elizabeth II, Betty White, Arne Næss